How To Prepare A Home For Sale
For one reason or another, selling your home is one of the most excitingly stressful times you’ll experience; you get to close one chapter of your life and be well on your way towards your next one. The selling process can last for months, even years, though, so you always need to be at the top of your game and do everything in your power to get your home ready for prospective buyers. Here’s how you can prepare a home for sale and maximize your chances of someone buying:
Make All Necessary Repairs
If you’ve put off covering up that hole in the wall or fixing a leaky pipe, you must get that done before you let anyone enter your home. You’re putting your house on display for people who may pay hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars for it, so you’ll want your house to look the part, and you should make sure there are no possible turnoffs for visitors. Also, don’t forget to clean and declutter your home before letting anyone visit. So in short, your home needs to look perfect if you want to secure a buyer.
Depersonalize Your Rooms
This may go against your house selling ideology, but it actually may be better to make your home look a bit emptier. With the house looking a little more bare, potential buyers can take everything in easier and appreciate what you are really offering. People want to envision their own personalized home in their minds, so if you have your own personality displayed in every room, you’re going to make it hard for buyers to realize the house’s full potential. One of the best ways to prepare a home for sale is to realize you’re not showing off your home, but that you’re showing off the actual house itself.
Stage It Up
Yes, you should depersonalize your home, but it still needs to look like a place worth living in! Setting the stage is how you wow your visitors with a great first impression, but doing so will require some thinking and possibly spending some money. You don’t have to flip the whole house on its head, but you should focus on big rooms like the kitchen, living room, and bathroom. To start, try moving around some furniture or decorating with some unpersonalized, neutral items. You may want to consider more expensive options like hiring someone to clean your furniture and rugs/carpets – it costs more now, but the value it could bring to your final selling price is tremendous. A good stage setter can make wonders happen!It’s obviously no simple task to prepare a home for sale, but hopefully we helped you get things started. If you need a real estate agent to help you along every step of the way during your selling process, be sure to call David DiPetro’s office today!